Free Liu Xiaobo

Submitted by michael.lrf on

The Laogai Research Foundation is launching a ten day Twitter campaign to advocate the release of Liu Xiaobo. A Chinese dissident who has long advocated for human rights and democracy inside China, Liu was one of the primary authors of Charter 08, an online manifesto promoting peaceful political reform in China that has accumulated 10,000 signatures since its initial launch on December 10, 2008. Liu was detained on December 8, 2010, two days before the release of Charter 08, and held without charge until June of 2009, when he was charged with "Incitement to subversion of the state." To this day Liu has not been granted a trial.

To mark the one year anniversary of Liu's detention, we have initiated a ten day Twitter campaign. To join the campaign, click here and click retweet. We also encourage you to share this with your friends via Facebook, email, your personal blogs, even in person! At midnight on December 10, in honor of the one year anniversary of the release of Charter 08, we will count the number of retweets and followers we've had, and include that number in a letter advocating Liu Xiaobo's release. The letter will be sent on December 11 to President Obama, President Hu Jintao of China, the Chinese Embassy, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China.

Please help Liu Xiaobo by joining our campaign and spreading the word!




