Recent posts

Type Title Author
Document Another letter from the CCP CC General Office and the SC Secretariat to the Red Guards and revolutionary teachers and students who come to Beijing from the provinces lrfintern
Document Summary of the Cao Diqiu's report communicating the gist of the CCP CC Work Meeting lrfintern
Document Liu Ningyi's speech at the reception for the representatives of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Academy of Sciences lrfintern
Document Yan Changgui's speech at the reception for the representatives of the Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications "East-Is-Red" Commune lrfintern
Document Yao Wenyuan's speech at the reception at the gate of the Broadcasting Building for revolutionary teachers and students lrfintern
Document Mao's remark about sending military cadres to train schoolteachers and students lrfintern
Document Lin Biao's speech at a cadre meeting lrfintern
Document Notes of Yan Changgui's conversation with teachers and students from Wuhan lrfintern
Document Why I joined the Red Rebels Corps lrfintern
Document The Beijing No. 1 Middle School "reform-through-labor" team lrfintern
Document Where the CCRG goes? lrfintern
Document Chronology of the Cultural Revolution at the middle schools of Tianjin Zhandou (combat) District lrfintern
Document The outline of comrade Chang Zhiqing's self-criticism lrfintern
Document Additional circular of the CCP CC and the SC concerning revolutionary networking among college and middle-school revolutionary teachers and students lrfintern
Document Li Fuchun's speech at the symposium on the Cultural Revolution with the participation of units directly under the CCYL Central Committee lrfintern
Document Qi Benyu's speech at the Palace Museum lrfintern
Document Zhou Enlai's speech at the reception for representatives of the Red Rebel Corps of Dalian Institute of Railway Engineering lrfintern
Document Revolutionary teachers and students from the provinces debate Li Hongshan: Edited minutes lrfintern
Document Open letter to the CCRG lrfintern
Document Self-criticism by Cultural Revolution Committee of Beijing branch of Xinhua Book Store lrfintern
Document Remarks by Xie Fuzhi, Liu Ningyi, and others at the reception for rebels from Anhui province lrfintern
Document Speeches by Ye Jianying and others at the reception for the Red Rebels Corps of the PLA Institute of Veterinary Medicine lrfintern
Document Zhou Enlai's speech at the reception for the representatives of Chengdu Institute of Geology lrfintern
Document Zhou Enlai's letter attached to the press release of the speeches by Chen Boda and Jiang Qing sent to Mao Zedong for approval lrfintern
Document Also question the CCRG lrfintern
