Shanghai's Expo of Unjust Cases

Submitted by Jaime on

From his balcony in Shanghai, Feng Zhenghu greets petitioners who have traveled for assistance with their grievances.  For many, that is as close as they can get to the human rights activist, who has been under virtual house arrest for launching "Shanghai Expo of Unjust Cases," a website that used the problematic Shanghai Expo as a platform to critique the city government. 

Feng Zhenghu made headlines last year when he squatted in the Tokyo Narita International Airport for over three months, after being denied re-entry to China eight times.   He returned home in February and a few months later "Chinese authorities began restricting his movements."

A well-known advocate for Chinese petitioners and a self-taught lawyer, Feng Zhenghu insists that he is only demanding the observation of current laws by authorities.  He remains optimistic on the possibility of change, calling upon the public to "overcome our fear... and insist on the truth in life."