News & Views

Live from the Banned Book Fair in New York

Laogai Research Foundation is attending Human Rights in China's first Banned Book Fair, cohosted by Fordham Law School's Leitner Center for International Law and Justice.

Be sure to check the HRIC video feed of events - watch for Harry Wu around 4:45 (EST) this afternoon!

Editor's note: This event has already passed. Please listen to audio of Harry's speech

There are quite a few human rights organizations participating: International Campaign for Tibet, Students for a Free Tibet, the Uyghur American Association, PEN American Center/Independent Chinese PEN, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, and Reporters Without Borders (hope we're not forgetting any!). For more on the Book Fair, click here.

China to Execute More Uyghurs

According to Xinhua (via Reuters and BBC), earlier today the Chinese government pressed forward in the campaign against the Uyghur’s arrested after the July riots in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) that left approximately 200 people dead and wounded an additional 1,600 people, according to government statistics.  In a court in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, five more people were sentenced to death.

Previously, nine were executed last month and three others were given the death penalty with a two year reprieve. 

Along with the five sentenced to death, eight other individuals received prison time, with two receiving life in prison.  This new batch of sentences brings the total number of July uprising convictions to 34, with five more cases to be heard in court tomorrow.

For more on the struggle of the Uyghur people and the occupation of East Turkestan, please see Harry Wu's interview with Rebiya Kadeer and the Uyghur American Association.

Free Liu Xiaobo

The Laogai Research Foundation is launching a ten day Twitter campaign to advocate the release of Liu Xiaobo. A Chinese dissident who has long advocated for human rights and democracy inside China, Liu was one of the primary authors of Charter 08, an online manifesto promoting peaceful political reform in China that has accumulated 10,000 signatures since its initial launch on December 10, 2008. Liu was detained on December 8, 2010, two days before the release of Charter 08, and held without charge until June of 2009, when he was charged with "Incitement to subversion of the state." To this day Liu has not been granted a trial.

To mark the one year anniversary of Liu's detention, we have initiated a ten day Twitter campaign. To join the campaign, click here and click retweet. We also encourage you to share this with your friends via Facebook, email, your personal blogs, even in person! At midnight on December 10, in honor of the one year anniversary of the release of Charter 08, we will count the number of retweets and followers we've had, and include that number in a letter advocating Liu Xiaobo's release. The letter will be sent on December 11 to President Obama, President Hu Jintao of China, the Chinese Embassy, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China.

Please help Liu Xiaobo by joining our campaign and spreading the word!






To see the interview, click here. Harry appears at around the three minute mark.

What's Wrong with Prison Labor?

When I tell people about China's Laogai, often the first question people ask me is "What's wrong with prison labor?" Many people say that prisoners ought to labor, either as punishment or to pay for the cost of their imprisonment, and point out that the U.S. allows prison labor. I recently read a blog post arguing that prison labor would be a better deterrent to crime than just prison. Usually I respond by saying that prison labor in the U.S. is different from prison labor in China--working conditions in the Laogai are appalling, prisoners are forced to work, are not compensated for their work, and if they don't meet their production quotas prisoners are often beaten or have their meals withheld. So although the U.S. allows prison labor, it is very different from prison labor in China. Even so, there are some fundamental problems with prison labor in general that are worth pointing out.

Prison labor, particularly unpaid prison labor as they have in China, creates problems for those who wish to keep prison populations small and minimize arbitrary or unnecessary detention, and for those who believe in free markets with true competition. To the first point, a system in which the government stands to profit from imprisoning its people provides a perverse incentive for that government to continue to imprison more and more people. Many U.S. states already have prison labor, and, in fact, the five states with the highest incarceration rates as of 2007 (Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama, respectively) all have active prison labor programs. (This fact also discredits the deterrent argument.) To be fair, the state with the lowest incarceration rate, Maine, also allows prison labor, so it is ambiguous whether the U.S. use of prison labor contributes to our notoriously high incarceration rates, but the connection should at the very least give us pause.  (More after the jump)

Another problem with prison labor, in China or the US, is that it takes jobs away from law-abiding citizens. Prisoners are often paid below the prevailing wage, and do not require health benefits, making them substantially cheaper to employ. A bill was brought before the Texas Senate this year to reform prison labor laws precisely because prison labor in the state is taking jobs away from law-abiding Texans who are already suffering in the economic downturn. So even though it sounds nice to say that prisoners should work to earn their keep, it doesn't really make sense when that means taking jobs away from ordinary citizens.

All of that being said, I am certainly not opposed to work programs that are voluntary, are aimed at rehabilitation (and specifically at reducing recidivism rates), that do not profit the government, and that do not take jobs away from law-abiding citizens. Does Chinese prison labor meet these standards? Absolutely not. Does American prison labor? I'm no expert on U.S. prisons, and it depends on the state, but there are certainly some questionable programs out there. Of course, even the worst of U.S. prison labor programs is nothing close to the egregious human rights abuses that occur inside China's Laogai on a daily basis.

Free Liu Xiaobo





沒有判決書的判決 (作者:啄木鳥)



大家知道黃琦的被判,與他在2008年“5. 12大地震”後,極積參與當地的救災活動,多次進出災區為地震中死亡學生的家長提供幫助,並在網上撰文揭露“豆腐渣”工程有關。按理說,黃琦的這些行為是道義和良知的體現,是值得我們每個人學習的。但現實並非人們想像的那樣,他的行為非但得不到有關當局的褒揚,反而被以“非法持有國家機密罪”論處!真讓人奇怪莫名。

黃琦乃一平頭百姓,既無官職又無權力,能持有什麽國家機密呢? 只不過寫了幾篇文章反映災區的“豆腐渣”工程而已。莫非那些倒塌的校舍、樓房屬於國家機密?看來這個國家的機密還真不少啊!大家得留點兒神,沒準一不小心哪天這頂“非法持有國家機密”的帽子就扣到頭上來了。




没有判决书的判决 (作者:啄木鸟)



大家知道黄琦的被判,与他在2008“5. 12大地震后,极积参与当地的救灾活动,多次进出灾区为地震中死亡学生的家长提供帮助,并在网上撰文揭露豆腐渣工程有关。按理说,黄琦的这些行为是道义和良知的体现,是值得我们每个人学习的。但现实并非人们想像的那样,他的行为非但得不到有关当局的褒扬,反而被以非法持有国家机密罪论处!真让人奇怪莫名。 

黄琦乃一平头百姓,既无官职又无权力,能持有什么国家机密呢? 只不过写了几篇文章反映灾区的豆腐渣工程而已。莫非那些倒塌的校舍、楼房属于国家机密?看来这个国家的机密还真不少啊!大家得留点儿神,没准一不小心哪天这顶非法持有国家机密的帽子就扣到头上来了 










